!!! I-NEMURO !!!
Group Head
This is the Adaptation of the NEMURO ecosystem model of Yamanaka et al. (2004) for the Indian Ocean. It is a 15-component ecosystem model with explicit nitrogen, silicate, and carbon cycling.
The model has 15 state variables such as two phytoplankton (PS, PL), three zooplankton (ZS, ZL, and ZP), two organic matter pools (DOM, POM), silicate (SiOH4), opal, nitrate (NO3), ammonia (NH4), calcium (Ca), dissolved organic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA)
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Applications of I-NEMURO
  1. Simulation of Indian Ocean biproductivity 
  2. Biophysical interactions and ecosystem variability
  3. Ocean Biogeochemistry and Carbon Cycle variability
  4. Link with lower pelagic and benthic fisheries